I graduated from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado. During the challenging four year course work of the Master’s Degree program, students learn the complex system of Chinese diagnosis, shiatsu massage, tuina (Chinese Physical Therapy), acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We also learn the complex system of Western Medical diagnosis in classes instructed by Medical Doctors. SouthWest stressed the importance of clinical experience and even before graduation we treated over 500 patients. My hospital specialty internships include: Longmont Hospital- Oncology; Golden West Rehabilitation- Geriatrics; and SouthWest Clinic- Pediatrics. In addition to the Chinese system of acupuncture, SouthWest also teaches the Japanese system of acupuncture which utilizes some different techniques from the Chinese system.
The Japanese technique uses smaller and thinner needles (about the thickness of a human hair) and gentler, more patient friendly stimulation. This technique provides for virtually painless treatment and excellent results. All of the needles I use are sterile one-time use disposable needles.
Post graduation I studied at Tri-State College of Acupuncture and learned the advanced technique of trigger point acupuncture. This style of acupuncture helps to release deep muscle tension and provide lasting relief from sports injuries, muscle injuries, joint injuries and spinal injuries. This dynamic techique provides immediate pain relief and helps dramatically speed healing.
I continued my studies at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine earning my Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. This advanced two year degree furthered my study in oncology, herbology, western laboratory diagnostics, fertility, pregnancy, and research. My continued research ensures that you are getting the most advanced and update to date medical information to guide your treatment.
Most people find the experience of acupuncture extremely enjoyable and relaxing with some even falling asleep during treatment. After a session, most people feel refreshed and notice subtle changes in their body.